Below is a list of frequently asked questions. If you have a question that has not been answered yet or should you need assistance finding suitable partners, please contact us through the contact form below.
Yes. Prior to starting the application form, you are asked to create a user account. After completing your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to your application form. Your application form is associated with the email address that you entered during your registration. This allows you to save and continue your application at your convenience. Note that the progress on each page of the form (there are 3 pages in total) will only be saved when the “Next” or “Back” buttons at the bottom of the page are clicked. To retrieve your application form, simply click on the link in your registration confirmation email.
The following information has to be submitted in the application form: campaign name, promotion of responsible travel, theme and subthemes, objectives, campaign scope and description, target audience, timing and measurable outputs. You may submit any other supporting documents. Selected proposals are then subject to further public procurement procedures in order to select the supplier for each campaign.
Costs that have incurred prior to the date of signature of the agreement between ETC and the consortium are not eligible for co-financing.
Municipalities are eligible entities as long as they act as a DMO. Please see 4.2. Eligibility criteria.
Yes, consortia can be exclusively made up of public entities.
Private/commercial partners (e.g., airlines, OTAs, non traditional tourism brands) can benefit from the programme. When private partners are involved, the campaign cannot have the purpose of producing a profit (see Terms and Conditions, 4.1 Exclusion Criteria).
Yes, consortia can be exclusively made up of private companies.
Yes, this is possible. Please refer to 4.2 Eligibility Criteria of the Terms and Conditions.
Yes, the consortium partners can all be located in the same country (or in different countries), but the campaign should still promote at least three EU Member States. See section 2.3 Geographical scope.
Private or public enterprises established in non EU countries are eligible to apply or be part of the consortium by means of their own resources, but their contributions will not be matched by ETC. Only funds by EU member states will be eligible to receive funding.
A partner is defined as a legal entity (either a public, private or public-private body) that contributes to co-fund the campaign by means of its own financial resources. See Glossary on Page 1 of document Terms and Conditions.
Eligible applicants must jointly apply as a consortium. Eligible consortia must comprise a minimum of three and a maximum of six eligible applicants. Applicants are responsible for sourcing partners for the project but can contact ETC through the Helpdesk should they need assistance finding suitable partners.
In brief, the threshold values are the following:
Exceptions and specific requirements to the above principles may apply. Please contact ETC for further details, if necessary, before submitting your proposal.
There are no specific requirements or limitations regarding visibility of partners of your consortia. Regarding publicity, you are required to give prominence to the logo and the name and emblem of the European Union. For more information, please see the Publicity Guidelines for this call for proposals.
No. As stated in section 2.8. Co-funding requirements of the Terms and Conditions and in line with the principle of co-financing, ETC will not finance the entire cost of the promotional campaign. The partners must contribute to finance the campaign by means of their own financial resources. The sum of the contribution from each campaign partner must at least match the requested contribution from ETC to a 50/50 ratio.
ETC’s financial contribution to the promotional campaign can only cover expenditures from third party suppliers different from the campaign partners (applicants). (see 2.8. Co-funding requirements).
Costs related to staff and travel expenses of the applicants are not eligible costs (see 2.8. Co-funding requirements).
Contributions in kind are not accepted.
The consortium as a whole is expected to match ETC’s financial contribution at least.
The Pan-European Thematic Dimension criteria refers to the geographic scope the proposed campaigns and the extent to which the campaign can deliver a trans-European message.
Campaigns will be awarded based on the quality and financial criteria set out in 4.3 Award Criteria of the Terms and Conditions. There is no discrimination when it comes to the size of the campaigns nor the type of eligible applicants.
ETC envisages that the selection procedure will take approximately 1 month after the submission deadline to complete (see 2.6 Implementation period). On completion of the selection processes, ETC will notify in written the final decision and next steps to undertake to each application coordinator.