Below is the list of questions and answers about this tender.
Campaigns have not been kicked off due to uncertainties relating to the COVID-19 pandemic but are expected to run during the first half of 2022. Starting dates of the different campaigns are subject to the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thematic campaigns will run simultaneously and start dates of the different campaigns are subject to the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Starting dates of the different campaigns are subject to the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Each campaign will last for a duration no longer than 6 months.
The campaigns have a global approach and target markets from outside Europe, mainly United States, China, Canada, Australia, Japan and Brazil. Results should not be provided at a market level but at a thematic level.
Russia will not be part of the scope of the project.
Since the approach is a global one, we are not looking into reporting on specific markets. Instead the analysis should provide results on different themes; individually and at an aggregated level.
The analysis is expected to be done by different thematic groups (the ones specified in the RfP, i.e. Nature and Outdoors, History & Heritage and Creative Industries & Contemporary Arts).
The campaigns will run on digital channels (web, social media, etc).
The analytical reports should be provided as specified under point number 5 of the RfP: “submission of proposals”.
Since the approach is a global one, we are not looking into reporting on specific markets. Instead the analysis should provide results on different themes; individually and at an aggregated level.
Analytical report for an individual thematic marketing initiative – These are cooperative marketing campaigns involving multiple brands (partners/companies/destinations) working together on one specific theme. E.g. NBTC Holland Marketing and VisitFlanders working with Eurail to promote History and Ancestry.
Analytical report for a multi-thematic marketing campaign – This is a global campaign involving all different themes and looking at one brand. E.g All themes under examination one brand “Europe”.
Analytical report consolidating the results for an individual pan-European theme – This report should aggregate data to see the performance of each individual theme. Analysis by theme.
The campaigns will be in English.
However, specifically for a Chinese audience some content is likely to be translated.
Expected reach differs per campaign type and ranges from 10 million to 300 million impressions.
The deadline to submit questions about this RfP is 5 January 2022 at 14:00 (CET). ETC will provide the answers to all questions by 10 January 2022 at 18:00 (CET)