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Code of Conduct on Data Sharing in Tourism

Publication date:
Mar 2023





Today, working with data remains overwhelming for most organisations, governments and businesses. They face a number of challenges with regards to data access, (re-)use and sharing in a constant and high-quality manner but also storing and processing it while ensuring privacy and security, especially when it is used in a manner that is not regulated under a harmonised framework.

In a move to respond to the digital transition of the tourism industry, 20 organisations representing the travel and tourism sector at European level agreed to sign a Code of Conduct on data sharing in the tourism sector.

The goal of the Code of Conduct on Data Sharing in Tourism is to:

  • Build trust between relevant tourism stakeholders and provide strategic support on how to capitalise on mutually beneficial data sharing partnerships in the tourism industry.
  • Foster data sharing in the tourism sector within the EU, while contributing to an EU-wide architecture for data exchange by supporting a set of common principles and guidelines for relevant tourism stakeholders.
  • Foster in the tourism area the EU’s global endeavours to gradually create, with the implementation of the 2020 European data strategy, a genuine single market for data.
  • Ensure a level playing field whereby the public and private sector and relevant stakeholders have equal chances and opportunities in the use and sharing of data in tourism notably by supporting a set of principles on data exchanges.


We would like to invite organisations active in the European travel & tourism sector to support the Code of Conduct. If your organisation would like to endorse the CoC, please contact ‘[email protected]’ expressing your interest and include the logo of your organisation.