Publication date:
Jan 2016
ETC Snapshots is a series of reports on select travel segments and markets prepared by the ETC Executive Unit. These lean reports provide a quick overview of travellers’ characteristics, the likes and dislikes of their holiday experience and their satisfaction with Europe compared to competing regions. Key recommendations are also provided in the aim of providing support to ETC’s members.
This report deals with the cultural traveller. Cultural tourism is one of the largest and fastest-growing travel segments. This form of tourism is increasingly popular with one in two tourist arrivals in Europe engaging in a kind of cultural activity while travelling. These tourists are an attractive segment for tourism destinations as they spend more, respect local culture and natural resources and are a highly educated segment. Cultural travellers seek authenticity and local experiences; however, they are also likely to be motivated by spending time with friends and family, relaxation or having fun.
The report is available for ETC members only, the download from this website is not possible.