Below is the list of questions and answers about this Request for Proposals.
If you have a question that has not been answered yet, please contact us through the contact form with the subject “Europe Pavilion Tourism EXPO Japan 2024” by 10 June 2024 at noon (CEST).
ETC will publish the answers to all the questions received in due course by 12 June 2024 at 18:00 (CEST).
We haven’t received the final floor plan yet but we requested a rectangular space (most probably 9X16).
We haven’t received the final floor plan yet therefore we can not yet provide the booth location.
The guidelines for the use of the logo and the EU emblem as well as the respective graphic files are available for download at the following link:
Guidelines for the use of the names and logos of the co-exhibitors will be provided during the project implementation.