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RFP Slow Adventure in the Island of Ireland campaign in the USA – Q&A

Below is the list of questions and answers about this request for proposals.

The deadline to submit questions was 18th of August, 2020.


ETC expects the supplier to create, produce and distribute all banner ads and other ad specs. This is stated in section 3. Deliverables and Requirements.

The content for the campaign must primarily focus on the Island of Ireland, however, an introduction to Europe and the concept of Slow Adventure must be present.

All potential suppliers applying for this RfP are free to suggest the best possible solution for content development that will engage the target audience, including native advertising and video. Creativity and editorial positioning for content development, variety, quality and quantity of content will be used to evaluate proposals as stated in the RfP.

Preferably, original content will be created through the familiarisation trip. Should this not be possible due to travel restrictions, ETC and its partners will supply existing content to be used for this campaign. The length will be mutually decided during the project implementation depending on what is most effective to engage the target audience.

There will be a dedicated landing page for Slow Adventure on the Island of Ireland for this campaign. All traffic is expected to be directed to this landing page.

The contractor is expected to produce a content distribution and advertising strategy that will best ensure the objectives set out in the RfP. There is no ratio established.

The content for the campaign must be focused on the Island of Ireland, introducing Slow Adventure in Europe and putting emphasis in the Island of Ireland. There are no percentages allocated to each destination

The logos can be found on the respective partner’s websites. Upon project kick-off ETC will provide the contractor with the necessary logos to be placed in the campaign materials.

The implementation period of the project is expected not to extend beyond February 15th 2020 unless an agreement is signed for the extension of the campaign. This is stated in section 3.3 Implementation period.

Applications will be assessed against firstly the quality criteria and secondly against the financial criteria. The relative weights assigned to each of them are described in section 6. Award Criteria