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Open Up To Europe

Inspiring Europeans to travel once again


As Europeans were getting ready to travel again in the summer of 2021, ETC conceived, developed and implemented the campaign #OpenUpToEurope, a pan-European awareness-raising campaign with the objective to reinforce consumer confidence and stimulate pent-up demand for travel.

The campaign, led by ETC and co-funded by the European Union with the support of more than 30 destinations and travel brands, was steadily rolled out across 13 European outbound travel markets as restrictions were eased and countries opened up to visitors again.

As part of the campaign, ETC and partners developed the microsite which served as a one-stop-shop for those considering their travel plans for summer 2021. It included the latest updates and information about travel experiences that consumers could enjoy in Europe with a focus on nature, culture and gastronomic experiences. The microsite also offered practical tips and advice about how to travel in Europe, including important information about the EU Digital COVID Certificate and the European Tourism Covid-19 Safety Seal.

The multi-channel digital campaign ran throughout the whole summer and reached over 30 million travel intenders across Europe.

You can still be part of the #OpenUpToEurope campaign

Get involved in the #OpenUpToEurope campaign with free-to-use downloadable materials, toolkits and more great assets.

  • Download the OpenUpToEurope toolkit with includes assets (visuals and video) that you can use in your content and campaigns.
  • Promote your destination or business to customers on your social media channels with the hashtag #OpenUpToEurope

#OpenUpToEurope Strategic Partners

Air DolomitieDreams ODIGEOPiemonte
Andalusia Tourism BoardExpediaPolish Tourism Organisation
Booking.comFairbnb.coopPromorskie Tourist Board
Catalan Tourist BoardGerman National Tourist BoardPoznan Local Tourism Organisation
City of KrakowGreek National Tourism OrganisationSlovenian Tourist Board
City of WarsawHiltonSwedish Lapland Visitors Board
Costa del Sol Tourism BoardIHG Hotels & ResortsSzczecin Floating Garden 2050
Czech Tourism AuthorityLodz Tourism OrganisationVisitDenmark
Deutsche Bahn FernverkehrMaramures County CouncilVisitFlanders
Deutsche Bahn VertriebNH Hotel GroupVisit Luxembourg
Donegal County CouncilOBB nightjetVisitPortugal

#OpenUpToEurope Supporting Partners

A4E (Airlines for Europe)EurailHOTREC
ECTAAeu travel tech

Co-funded by the European Union

Learn More

Campaign website