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Our Members

Our membership comprises 36 National Tourism Organisations (NTOs) from 35 member countries in Europe.

Austria ANTO – Austrian National Tourist Office
Belgium Visit Flanders Wallonie Belgique Tourisme
Bulgaria The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria
Croatia Croatian National Tourist Board (CNTB)
Cyprus Republic of Cyprus, Deputy Ministry of Tourism
Czechia CzechTourism
Denmark VisitDenmark
Estonia Estonian Tourist Board - Estonian Business and Innovation Agency
Finland Visit Finland - Business Finland Ltd.
France Atout France
Germany German National Tourist Board (GNTB)
Greece Greek National Tourism Organisation (GNTO)
Hungary Visit Hungary
Iceland Icelandic Tourist Board
Ireland Tourism Ireland Ltd. Fáilte Ireland
Italy ENIT - Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo
Latvia Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)
Lithuania Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania
Luxembourg Luxembourg For Tourism (LFT)
Malta Malta Tourism Authority (MTA)
Monaco Monaco Government Tourist and Convention Office
Montenegro National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro
Netherlands Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions (NBTC)
Norway Innovation Norway
Poland Polish Tourism Organisation (PTO)
Portugal Turismo de Portugal
Romania Ministry of Economy, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship and Tourism
San Marino State Office for Tourism
Serbia National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS)
Slovakia Slovakia Travel
Slovenia Slovenian Tourist Board
Spain Turespaña - Instituto de Turismo
Switzerland Switzerland Tourism
Türkiye Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development Agency
Ukraine State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine SATD