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Climate Action Plan

Today, the relationship between Tourism and Climate Change is unquestionable, as is the need for action to avoid the predicted devastating impacts for people and our planet that a changing climate will incur.

The tourism industry has both a responsibility and an opportunity to protect the resources it depends on, including the natural environments, wildlife, and cultural heritage that bring travel experiences to life.

In 2022, ETC signed the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism and committed to building a consistent carbon reduction strategy and amplifying climate action by actively supporting ETC member National Tourism Organisations (NTOs) to commit to Net Zero.

With its Climate Action Plan, ETC is undertaking to develop its work and explore the potential to catalyse climate action more widely, focusing on three main areas:

    ETC commits to measure and calculate emissions of the six GHGs covered by the Kyoto Protocol, generated through the activities performed by its secretariat (the Executive Unit), and to propose concrete measures to progressively reduce emissions with the goal of halving emissions by 2030.
    As an umbrella organisation for European tourism destinations, ETC has the opportunity to create a ripple effect in climate action. This will be done by supporting its NTO members on their Net Zero journey and building the required capacity for action. Efforts will include providing tools and guidelines to accelerate action, improving skills and knowledge, and boosting cooperation between tourism stakeholders.
  • LEAD
    As a leader in the tourism sector, ETC will steer transformational change and accelerate climate action in tourism. ETC will lead by example, sharing the work undertaken by the organisation and its members to build a shared pathway for and to support tourism stakeholders to engage with climate action.

The ETC’s Climate Action Plan was developed with the support of the Travel Foundation, a leading international sustainable tourism organisation.