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Reboot Nordic Tourism in US

Increase the awareness of the Nordic countries as sustainable travel destinations

Duration: Q1-Q2 2022

Partners: VisitDenmark, VisitFinland/BusinessFinland, Innovation Norway, VisitSweden, Nordic Council of Ministers, North Atlantic Tourism Association (NATA)

Target Market: USA

Campaign objectives

Increase the awareness of the Nordic countries as sustainable travel destinations in the US around the selected passion points, by increasing the product range of Nordic tours in the US, educating relevant tour operators and travel advisors about the Nordic countries in order to expand the sales network, supporting the travel patterns post-COVID-19 by offering less travelled routes and off-season experiences.

Passion points

Creative Cities, Nature and the Outdoors.

Target audience

The promotional campaign is targeted at High spending Free Independent Travellers Explorers and must be well-suited for the niche community of travellers with a specific interest in adventure & nature and outdoor as well as urban experiences.

Campaign activities

The project consisted of multiple communication channels, including digital, in-person and print to be specified in 4 interconnected activities:

  • Engagement of US Travel Trade Networks and Associations
    Partnership agreements with main B2B trade partners in the USA, relative representation of the Nordics at B2B events and promotion in digital campaigns, including, among the others, consumer email campaigns, a custom microsite, social media activities, an editorial feature story.
  • Nordic Tour Operator Campaign
    Co-marketing cooperation with tour operators, digital advertisements, itineraries promotion on a dedicated newsletter, a landing page, B2B and B2C emails distribution, webinars.
  • Engagement of US Trade Media in the Nordic Project
    Blog posts and press release distribution.
  • Engagement of US B2C Media in the Nordic Project
    Partners’ advisor emails.


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Regional forum in Chicago

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