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Climate Friendly Travel Online Course for ETC Members

ETC is organising an online Climate Friendly Travel Training Course for its member NTOs in collaboration with SUNx Malta – an EU based NGO supported by the Government of Malta. The course is developed with the aim of delivering high quality and impactful coaching on climate friendly travel. It is derived from SUNx Malta’s Induction Course – which is given to graduates who want to become Strong Climate Champions in their country and help advance a CFT culture.

The course will give a broad introduction to the nature and intensifying impacts of the “Code Red” Climate Crisis, the specific tourism implications and the actions SUNx Malta is developing and curating to help communities and companies become climate resilient and reduce emissions. The course provides a special focus on the evolving European green and clean regulatory and operational framework, as well as an overview of Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) –SDG/Paris 1.5 linked, as a support for the essential transformation that all of society has to make.

The 5-day intensive course is directed by Professor Geoffrey Lipman, former WTTC President and Assistant SG UNWTO. The programme brings together a faculty of Travel & Tourism and Climate Change thought-leaders who will deliver cutting-edge online lectures on key components of Climate Friendly Travel. It is an online course – 2 hours per day for 5 days, from 15:00 to 17:00 CEST. It includes 90 minutes of pre-recorded lectures followed by 30 minutes of live questions and discussions. There is also material for home study outside the sessions.

The course will start on Monday, 11th July 2022 and run up until Friday, 15th July 2022.

All active participants will receive a Climate Champions Certificate.

Further details on the course topics can be found below:

Course Details and Structure

Day 1: Climate Change & Tourism  

Welcome and Introduction:

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President, SUNx Malta

Eduardo Santander PhD, Executive Director, ETC


Maurice Strong & the UN SDG & Paris Agenda:

This 45 minute “backdrop” session covers the global development of Sustainability and Climate Action, as well as the emergence of the UN Green and Clean Roadmap – the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with their 2030 targets; as well as the Paris 1.5 Climate target. It focuses on its architect, the late Maurice Strong, and the reflection of his ideas in SUNx Malta (Strong Universal Network).

Achim Steiner, Executive Director, UNDP

Professor Felix Dodds, Former Executive Director, UN Stakeholder Forum

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President, SUNx Malta


Climate Change – the Existential Crisis:

Zeroing in on Climate Change as the existential Challenge, we explore the worldwide and European changes in extreme weather patterns, as well as the general and specific consequences of these for tourism.

Naomi Klein, Professor of Climate Justice, University of British Columbia, Canada

Professor Susan Becken, Griffith University, Australia 

Professor Daniel Scott, University of Waterloo, Canada

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President, SUNx Malta


Day 2: SUNx Malta & Climate Friendly Travel (CFT)

We look at the concept of CFT and its community specific application, as well as the potential benefits to stakeholders – especially NTOs – from its UNFCCC linked Registry system. We also cover community building by Strong Climate Champions and support services from SDG 17 Partners.

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President, SUNx Malta

Olly Wheatcroft, Program Manager, SUNx Malta

Dr Hans Friederich, Registrar, CFT Registry

Mark B. Jackson, GM, CFT Services


Day 3: Deep Dive on Europe

This session will focus specifically on current and forecast climate/tourism intersections in Europe, the powerful leadership of the EU on climate action, and potential funding opportunities in the context of transformation towards a new climate economy.

Jennifer Iduh, Head of Research, ETC

Ignace Schops, Former President, Europarc Federation

Jan Droge, Partner, Schuman Associates

Alan Vella, EU Commission Project Manager, EASME


Day 4: SUNx Support for Resilience and & Emissions reduction

We will review emission reduction issues, COP targets, the Glasgow Declaration, and subsequent related actions. A major focus will also be placed on Resilience and Adaptation. Looking across the entire sector, we will give a more detailed analysis of the challenges and opportunities for aviation. Here we will also take a look at offsets which play a crucial part.

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President, SUNx Malta
Bijan Khajai, Founder Risklayer, Hotel Resilient
Paul Steele, Fmr. Corporate Secretary, IATA
Christina Beckman, Founder, Tomorrow’s Air


Day 5: Building CFT Communities

The final session will deal with a range of issues that visitors and destinations face from the growth of tourism. We will review evolving attitudes to green and clean tourism and look at ways to positively engage tourists and residents.

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President, SUNx Malta
Dr. Jens Thraenhart, Tourism Director, Barbados Tourism
Hamish Keith, CEO, Exo Travel
Paul Wilke, Founder, Upright Communications