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ETC Webinar: Impact of the Ukraine War on European Tourism

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As European tourism has started its path towards recovery following the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the sector is now facing a major crisis with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The conflict will cause another setback in the recovery of European tourism, particularly in Eastern European destinations. Showing exceptional solidarity, local travel and tourism enterprises are welcoming Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war and helping them with shelter, transportation and food.

This conflict has already triggered a sharp spike in energy prices, which will directly affect the costs of transportation and tourism services while also posing risks to wider consumer demand in Europe. The war also threatens Europe’s international image as a safe destination in long-haul markets, as well as causing disruptions in air connectivity.

Our webinar will gather leading tourism experts to assess major economic impacts and effects on total travel demand, flight booking trends and Europe’s online reputation.


Webinar Programme:

  • Introduction by Luís Araújo, ETC President
  • Welcoming address by Valentina Superti, Director of Directorate Tourism & Proximity, DG GROW, European Commission
  • Presentation by David Goodger, Tourism Economics: Macroeconomic and travel impacts of the invasion (Download presentation)
  • Presentation by Olivier Henry-Biabaud, TCI Research: Conflict’s impact the travel sentiment and destinations’ reputation (Download presentation)
  • Presentation by Olivier Ponti, ForwardKeys: Latest data on flight bookings to Europe (Download presentation)
  • Expert debate and Q&A moderated by Eduardo Santander, ETC Executive Director



Event Details

March 23, 2022 at 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Valentina Superti

Valentina Superti is a Director in DG GROW (Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs) at the European Commission. She is responsible for the policies on tourism, textiles, social economy, and the digitalisation of industry. Previously, she was Resources Director (from 2015 to March 2021), and Director responsible for the single market for goods from 2014 to 2015. Her previous responsibilities include serving as Deputy Head of Cabinet of European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, in charge of Industry, SMEs, Galileo and Copernicus, from 2011 to 2014. Valentina graduated in Law at the Catholic University in Milan, Italy, in 1988. She took a Master in EU Law at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, in 1989.

Olivier Ponti

As Vice President Insights at ForwardKeys, Olivier Ponti is responsible for bringing the company’s unique travel insights to life. His considerable experience in tourism research, alongside master’s degrees in Economics and Tourism Development, make him one of Europe’s leading experts in travel and destination marketing. He is also an eloquent proponent for the power of data in the tourism sector: when not delivering speeches on the topic at industry events, he is inspiring the next generation of travel-data enthusiasts at Sorbonne University, one of his alma maters. Yet Olivier is just as passionate about learning as he is teaching – and is always keen to discuss the latest events in the travel market.

Olivier Henry-Biabaud

Olivier founded TCI Research in 2010 as a way of combining his passion for travel with his 20+ years’ experience in market research acquired in global companies (Kantar, Ipsos). As a specialist in the visitor experience, he has worked for over 90+ international and local destinations and travel brands. He is a regular speaker at travel international forums and Board Member of TTRA Europe (Tourism and Travel Research Association). He was awarded Best Travel Market Research CEO 2017 by the EU Business News Agency.

David Goodger

Mr David Goodger is Managing Director of Tourism Economics, Europe and the Middle East. He has been instrumental in developing the global model of tourism flows and spending, which covers 185 origins and destinations, and he continues to manage the regular forecast updates. He also maintains an active role in new product development and consultancy work. David has led Tourism Economics’ analysis of the importance of online interactions for evolving tourism behaviour for a range of well-known online travel businesses.