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UNWTO-ETC DataLab webinar: Using Tourism Dashboards to support Data-driven Decision-making

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The webinar will demonstrate how to maximise the use of tourism dashboards. Besides showcasing the indicators themselves, we will emphasise how NTOs benefit from the data to make strategic decisions.

Representatives from Atout France, the German National Tourist Board and Turismo de Portugal will present their NTO’s dashboards and identify the opportunities for NTOs and tourism stakeholders generated by the available insights.


Kindly note that participation in the Webinar is reserved to ETC and UNWTO members only.

Event Details

July 4, 2022 at 12:30 pm
Event Category:


Matthias Hickl

Matthias Hickl has been engaged in Market Research for over two decades. With a focus on fast moving technology markets Matthias travelled the world while holding leading global management roles at GfK SE. Matthias joined GNTB`s head office in Frankfurt in May 2020 leading the newly created Business Intelligence unit there. This position embraces the sectors Market Analysis, Marketing Effectiveness and CRM as well as C-Suite, partner and stakeholder reporting. In addition, the role comprises Innovation Management (IM). IM has already delivered highly appealing virtual and augmented reality contents in order to present and promote Germany as a very attractive travel destination.

Sérgio Guerreiro

Sérgio Guerreiro is currently Senior Director for Knowledge Management and Innovation at Turismo de Portugal, being in charge of statistics, business intelligence, sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation. He is also responsible for the program Tourism 4.0, an integrated program to foster innovation in the tourism sector involving more than 350 startups. He represents Portugal at several international working groups at UNWTO, OECD and European Travel Commission. He is currently Chairman of the OECD Tourism Committee and Chairman of the European Travel Commission’s Market Intelligence Group. He is also World Economic Forum’s Agenda Contributor.

Hugo Alvarez

Hugo leads the data and market intelligence team of Atout France, the French NTO. After an initial career in consulting, Hugo joined Atout France to develop France Tourisme Observation, the brand new data-hub for the tourism industry in France.