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Ljubljana, Slovenia

ETC General Meeting #103

The heads of Europe’s national tourism boards convened in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 18-20 May 2022 for the 103rd General Meeting of the European Travel Commission (ETC). This meeting, which was hosted by the Slovenian Tourist Board, brought together ETC members to discuss the state of play for Europe’s tourism sector and risks facing its restart following the pandemic. The meeting had a record participation, seeing 31 of its 34 members in attendance.

ETC also ensured sustainability remained on the agenda with attendees taking part in ETC’s trailblazing Industry Forum on Sustainable Tourism Practices. ETC is determined sustainability to remain a core focus in the sector amidst competing crises including the ongoing pandemic, rising energy prices, and the war in Ukraine.

The General Meeting reelected Mrs Magda Antonioli from the Italian National Tourist Board (ENIT) as ETC’s Vice-President and voted unanimously to invite the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine (SATD) to join the organisation with a complimentary three-year membership.