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Prague, Czech Republic

ETC General Meeting #104

The heads of Europe’s national tourism boards convened in Prague on 15-17 November 2022 for the General Meeting of the European Travel Commission (ETC). This meeting, which was hosted by CzechTourism, brought together over 30 CEOs of national tourism authorities (NTOs) from across Europe and ETC associate members from private industry to discuss the state of play for Europe’s tourism sector. The meeting took place alongside the European Tourism Forum organised by the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU.

ETC’s newest member, the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine (SATD), was in attendance for the first time. This gave an opportunity for the NTOs in attendance to hear first-hand how the Ukrainian tourism sector is coping with the war, but also to discuss how the conflict in Ukraine has caused uneven recovery of tourism across Europe.