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Study on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Outbound Travel Market

Study on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Outbound Travel Market

The aim of the study was to provide a thorough analysis investigating the potential of the GCC outbound travel market in order to design targeted and innovative marketing and promotion strategies aimed at increasing tourist flows from this market. Undertaken during the period August to November 2017, the study was a combination of desk research and primary research in three key markets: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. Primary research involved interviews with the travel trade, as well as online interviews and focus groups with consumers.

This report documents the findings of the study and provides comprehensive analysis useful for the future marketing and promotion of Europe and European destinations in the GCC region. It is divided into three parts, as follows:

    • Part 1: An overview of the current state and prospects of the GCC outbound travel market (desk research);
    • Part 2: Image of Europe as a holiday destination in the GCC (primary research) and;
    • Part 3: Conclusions and recommendations.

Full report can be ordered here
Table of Contents & Executive Summary is available here
Infographic is available here


This project is kindly sponsored by Value Retail