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Reboot Nordic Tourism in the US 2022- Q&A

Below is the list of questions and answers about this request for proposals.

Yes, the contract is allowed to team up with a subcontractor. Please note that, if any work for the project is to be subcontracted to a third party, the contractor must clearly specify in its proposal all tasks and deliverables that are to be outsourced. Any costs related to outsourcing shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor will be the sole responsible party for the delivery of the outsourced work.

Yes, the implementation period shall not extend beyond 30 June 2022. The activities subject of these tender specifications cannot take place through the remainder of 2022.

Any costs related to third parties shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor will be the sole responsible party for the delivery of the outsourced work. Therefore, ETC will only ask the selected contractor to submit invoices.

The promotion of multi-country visits, itineraries and experiences, as opposed to individual countries, is preferred.

No, this is not possible. This project comprises 5 interconnected and indivisible assignments which are described in 3.1.4 Project Deliverables. These assignments form one and indivisible project. The procurement is not subdivided into lots.


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