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Long-Haul Travel Barometer 1/2021

Publication date:
Jan 2021





Results from the latest Long-Haul Travel Barometer 1/2021 (LHTB) indicate a slight revitalisation in people’s intention for overseas trips between January-April 2021. However, as Europe’s entry bans are still in place, travellers’ confidence around visiting the region remains naturally low as reflected by the negative sentiment index scores[1].

[1] Intention to travel is measured in an index that reflects the dominant sentiment expressed by a market, either a positive or negative one. The index is tied to a base of 100. Values above 100 indicate a positive evolution, whereas values below 100 indicate negative attitudes towards travel in a given time period.

Read the full article here.

The Long-Haul Travel Barometers provides forward-looking information about short-term travel trends among potential travellers from Brazil, China, Japan, Russia and the US. The analysis sheds light on travellers’ preferences, motivations and barriers related to travelling to and within Europe. Results are based on 1,000 interviews conducted in the five markets every four months. The Long-Haul Travel Barometer is a  joint project of the European Travel Commission (ETC) and  Eurail B.V. Full results are available to the members of partner organisations only. The project is realised by TCI Research.

This project is co-funded by the European Union.