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Roadmap for National Tourism Organisations Towards Climate Action in Destinations

Publication date:
Jan 2025





Roadmap for National Tourism Organisations Towards Climate Action in Tourism Destinations – Climate Action Planning Framework” is a critical resource designed to inspire and guide climate action across European destinations. A step-by-step guide for National Tourism Organisations (NTOs) to create a climate action plan tailored to their needs, it serves as a comprehensive toolkit to help destinations achieve sustainability and climate resilience, maintaining global competitiveness. With practical advice, examples, and a clear roadmap, ETC aims to empower its members to take meaningful action and make lasting positive changes.

Produced by AGEG Tourism for Sustainability, the roadmap highlights essential stages such as committing to the Glasgow Declaration, forming green teams, gathering data, setting measurable targets, and building cross-sectoral working groups, and includes guidance on communicating climate action goals effectively to stakeholders and visitors alike.

Additionally, the roadmap features over 25 global case studies that highlight successful climate action practices, offering practical examples and inspiration, along with three customisable templates, enabling NTOs to develop their own tailored plans.

Read the news article here.