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Study on Generation Z Travellers

Publication date:
Jul 2020





Members of Generation Z are often described as highly adaptable, smart and tolerant. They are hyper-connected and grew-up with challenges relating to environmental sustainability, terrorism, etc. Their different lifestyles, motivations and habits make them a segment difficult to generalise, but also a segment that will pave the way for innovation and responsible tourism. Generation Z travellers are still discovering and solidifying their consumption preferences, and this presents a tremendous opportunity for the travel industry to get to know them and gain a better vision of how tourism demand could evolve in the near future.

To grasp this opportunity, the European Travel Commission launched the present study, which investigates the travel preferences and behaviour of Generation Z travellers from four markets – China, Germany, UK and US. The study delves into their motivations, aspirations and views, and translates those into future-oriented travel market intelligence. In addition, the report offers a list of 12 trends, which illustrate what Europe’s tourism sector could expect to see in terms of both supply and demand, in the coming 10-15 years as Gen Zers grow and become the primary decision-makers in travel.

ETC trusts that this report will provide practical guidance and the necessary intelligence to ETC member countries to design targeted and impactful marketing and promotion strategies to attract Generation Z consumers.

Results of the study are summarised in an Infographic, that you may download here.
