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Transferable Skills Gained by Working in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector

Publication date:
Feb 2024





Addressing labour shortages affecting the travel and hospitality sector demands a multifaceted approach, focusing on facilitating worker mobility, adopting innovative technologies, and changing the sector’s image as a workplace. In collaboration with the University of Surrey’s School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SHTM), the European Travel Commission (ETC) has embarked on a long-term strategy to reshape the perception of the sector among the next generation of workers. The primary mission of this project is to address the challenges faced by the Tourism and Hospitality industry, including labour shortages and an unfavourable image.

This study involved three main components: identifying transferable skills, categorization of these transferable skills, and an exploration of effective approaches for children to learn soft skills. A Transferable Skills Model has been developed that comprises categories of soft and hard skills and demonstrates the interconnectedness of various skills.