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RFP 2024 Assessment of responsible travel behaviours of long-haul travellers to Europe – Q&A

Tendering parties may front-load the investment, provided that the budget for each project does not exceed the maximum limit of EUR 60,000 excluding VAT and including all taxes, fees, charges, and costs (see RfP section 4: BUDGET AND TERMS OF PAYMENT). Therefore, while the two projects can have different pricing, both the first and the second projects must each remain below the 60,000 EUR threshold.

Tendering parties planning to front-load the investment must clearly outline these one-time fees in their offer.

For the purpose of this project, a Free Independent Travellers (FITs) is an individual or a small group of individuals (<10) who travel independently, not in a group. FITs plan and arrange their travel online by themselves. However, it should be noted that long-haul FITs are still likely to contact a tour operator or agent – which has previously arranged individual products and services for use by individual travellers – to book their trip given the particular knowledge, time and confidence required for planning a holiday to an overseas destination (semi-FITs). The above definition is referenced on page 5 of the Request for Proposals (see RfP section 2: INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT).

All submitted proposals should cover all markets referenced under point 2.3 Target groups of the Request for Proposals (see RfP section 2: INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT).

While we acknowledge that costs and fieldwork may vary across markets, there is no priority ranking among the target markets under consideration.

Upon project award, the contractor should suggest a range of household income bands for each market to represent the “affluent” segment, which will be discussed and agreed in collaboration with ETC.

Upon project award, ETC will propose specific age and gender quotas to the contractor. These will be discussed and finalised during the kick-off meeting.


The time to submit all deliverables set out under 3.1 should not exceed 5 weeks after fieldwork is closed.