Since the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 is dramatically impacting all players of the travel and tourism ecosystem, with various levels and consequences for destinations. Among must-track indicators for DMOs (e.g. reservations, arrivals, etc.), the overall “sentiment” shared on global social web channels is focal to monitor as it reflects both the state of opinion related to travel and tourism and the virality and impact of the crisis on specific destinations’ attractiveness. During this 30 minutes webinar, TCI Research will share key insights from its social listening tracker (TRAVELSAT Sentiment Index) analysing the COVID-19 impact on Europe’s reputation reflected in web social conversations. More specifically, the webinar will discuss:
Olivier founded TCI Research in 2010 as a way of combining his passion for travel with his 20+ years’ experience in market research acquired in global companies (Kantar, Ipsos). As a specialist in the visitor experience, he has worked for over 90+ international and local destinations and travel brands. He is a regular speaker at travel international forums and Board Member of TTRA Europe (Tourism and Travel Research Association). He was awarded Best Travel Market Research CEO 2017 by the EU Business News Agency
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